Sani Ahmad Jinin Jikin English Lyrics Meaning And Song Review
Sani Ahmad Jinin Jikin English Lyrics Meaning And Song Review
Jinin Jikina is a soft touching love song that is creatively written brilliantly by the stunning Northern Hausa pop iconic singer famously recognized as Sani Ahmad. However, the amazing track was recorded and later then officially released on the date, 15th February, 2023.
The mighty song is one of the consistent project that does not agree to be statistically outshined, and the star singer Sani Ahmad, is the source of that stand.
Meanwhile, the song title Jinin Jikina can be simply understood as Hausa language word that literally means “My Blood” but in a romantic concept musically. The song that has a sensitive subject and a piercing nature through every ear and heart encountered.

Concurrently, Sani Ahmad posses some magical musical talent in vocals and lyrics, plus creativity and more, he made sure to have a consistent vocal and lyrical quality that approves his efficiency on any type of instrumental.
However, Mp3Ghetto media explains that the mighty love song has no trace of collaboration, but only the inclusion of a female secondary vocal as assisting tone to complete the compiled quality of the song lyrical value in general. The song tends to attracts more listening ears due to some additional musical qualities that renders the persistent nature of the track.
The statistical charts records of the mighty track reads a heavy counts that exponentially boost up the consistent quality of the song in general.
Check Out Sani Ah,ad – Jinin Jikina Lyrics Video Below:
Complete Sani Ahamd – Jinin Jikina Song Lyrics
shi so ruwan Zuma kuma ruwan Gubane barassa kodaiba
yazanyine daso naga duniya kai kadai take duba.
indai akwai lalura cikin jikina bai wuce kaunaba.
So yadda nainufi watta kila ba haka zaka zominba.
Tamkar ana kafi inka kamaso baisan watta karaba.
Zaikama zuciya yabbi jijiyama bazai tsaya nan ba.
Nidai masoyiyata kece jininjikina
inna rasaki to zan zauce ji lafaxina.
komai nake bida dan kece dare da rana
ba’a zigani Dan inbarki babu ruwana.
So Yayi gurin zama ya zauna azuciyana.
inbanisan kiyada amana murike juna.
Karki bari inshiga damuwa.
kinga So nada hadari kenake ambato kawai inna zauna wuri-wuri.
nidake munyi alkawar baki sanyani garari.
Naga duk martabar miya baiwuce magi gishiri.
Dukka maiso akwai jarabta gareshi kowanne lokaci.
Qaddarar So idan tafarma sai ai tacema mahaukaci.
Babu komai ga dukka maiyin so hakurine hakikaci.
tundama duniyar ta Allah zamanta bama da tabbaci.
Kai kanason wani yana sonka kaji so mai kulakuci.
Karda rudi na zuciya ya zigamu mufita hayyaci.
so akwai damuwaaa kunji yan uwana.
Yadda Allah yaso haka zaya yima.
ahhh nagode.
Sani Ahmad – Jinin Jikina Social Media Impact Video
The mighty love song contains a strong sensational lyrics quality that can touch you deep from the bottom of the heart, which is why the fans demontrations mostly compel deep to the point of emotional display in appreciation of the actual reflectance of the song lyrics and vocals.
Check Out an extracted video from TIK TOK platform from a sensational fan that cried over the lyrical value of the stars talent offering.
@hamidamalama jinin jiki by sani Ahmad Allah kara basira da daukaka
Sani Ahmad – Jinin Jikina Mp3 Stream Download

Listen to Sani Ahmad – Jinin Jikina Mp3 Below:
In the end, the mighty song conclusion compiles more clarification of the great artiste performance in an astonishing manner that rendered the whole quality of the song in general and exclusively. The song has no additional feature, but contains a secondary vocal inclusion as assisting vocals of the lyrics.
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