Deezell – Namiji English Lyrics Meaning and Song Review
Deezell – Namiji English Lyrics Meaning and Song Review

Namiji Soundtrack is a highly decorated and fully loaded song written by Deezell and many more several artists in line as the feature which superbly creates eccentric value musically for the track. The amazing song, recorded under the Arewa Cartel Records was released on the 23rd of June 2023.
The mighty song involves features of the top Northern stars including high-level and award-winning stars that globally made remarkable influence at large.
These Features includes:
Ice prince, Hamisu Breaker, Magnito, Adam A Zango, Dj Ab, Morell, Classiq, Kheengs, BOC, NomissGee, Sojaboy, Lsvee, Fresh Emir, Feezy, Ahmerdy, Mai Dawa, Rapkeedo, Babayanks, Lutty fresh, Cdeeq.
The special song was written partly by each individual artiste himself but everyone tremendously and professionally hanging along same title. The special trait about this mighty work piece is the dynamism of the song given each verse containing different creative musical perspective, but all along on the same page.
Deezell creative footprints, is not only on the recent projects, but also appeared lately before the later which made recent impact as much as the recent one.
Namiji can be easily understood as “Man” or being a man, nature of responsibility on a man. All the greatly talented star is trying to transmit is the reminder of sense of a Man responsibility and the essentials of his role in a Woman’s life and overall life itself. He brilliantly bring up the idea by having the ability to thought so and given his creative trademark, he’s the most capable one better to develop such creative concept and innovative ideas.

He managed to invite over 20 breathing artiste on his 6 minute track with perfect demarcation and giving everyone awesome space enough to plant his creative enhancement.
Meanwhile, I will be proving you with the complete Lyrics video of Deezell – Namiji for your full entertainment feast.
Check out Deezell – Namiji Lyrics Video by Hd below:
Intro & Outro
Namjiji song intro is something different, it is a simple single scenario of two ladies discussing about their perception of a man by just being in a relationship with him. And without viewing the bigger picture, they always end up saying things they regret and unreasonable.
The Song intro first Lines goes like “Ke Ina saurayina Da Nace Miki Mun Breaking Up Jiya”. As I will provide you with the song video also, no need to worry much because you have what you need in that, and I mean all.
The Song Outro is as usual, a silent drop out of the sweet instrumentals accompanied with last verse in line.
Complete Lyrics Of Namiji song By Deezell
Each verse with the artist
Verse 1 – Deezell
‘Tun Kina Ciki, wake Kula da mahaifiyar ki, Namiji”
“Cikin rana cikin ruwa dole ya fito nemo abincin ci, Namiji”
“Without any doubt on your mind wa zaki ce ya tura miki kati , Namiji”
“Doing it for the love, dan tsananin so L-o-v-e, Namiji”
“Baba, Namiji”
“kawu, Namiji”
“kani, Namiji”
“yaya, Namiji”
“boyfriend, Namiji”
“fly guy , even your future husband is Namiji”
Verse 2 – Barrack
“To wa ake ce wa boss a gida, odogwu, madugu kuma uban gida, Namiji”
“To wa take cewa fresh boy, big boy, fine boy kuma ta gani tana so, Namiji”
“To wa yake cewa baby na, Namiji”
“gimbiya yace habibti na, Namiji”
“To wa hajiyarku take kira alhaji kuma shine ya kaita haji, Namiji”
Verse 3 – BOC Madaki
“Wa ke mutunta mace, alfahari da ita a duk inda yake, ”
“Jarumi a waje da ciki, mai sasantawa a fagen rikici”
“Ga kyawawan halaye, nitsuwa bayason garaje”
“kuma ko da babu ana tsanmanin ya debo”
“In yace ya kare ma ana tsammanin ya nemo”
verse 4 – Hamisu Breaker
“Namiji Dan goyo ne ko da zani falle daya”
“duk wadda ta samu namiji itace tasamu dadin duniya”
“kumma ko aure bai cika sai sadaki ya biya”
“Namiji dan albarka, kashin bayan duniya”
Verse 5 – Fresh Emir
“A yau cewa zanyi, maza ku tausaya wa mata, mata ku dinga girmama namiji”
“Duk da dai na lura wasu mazan sune suke zubar mana da aji”
“Keda kike cewa namiji ba dan goyo bane ya ya sunan dadin ki, Namiji”
“Allah Ma yace alrijalu kawwamuna alannisa’i, ya fifita namiji”
Verse 6 – Sojaboy
“Takun sojoji muke harka da bindigogi”
“kunji Takun sojoji bama wasa da dokoki”
“Muje yaki mu koma”
“bamai wasa da soja”
“Mu kwato yancin al’umma”
“A kasa ta mune hukuma”
Verse 7 – Adam A Zango
“Wahala,, Namiji”
“nema,, Namiji”
“ciyarwa,, Namiji”
“ahh,,,, aikin namiji”
“ya za ki hada kanki wai da namiji, (ina, wani aikin ai sai namiji)”
“In baki da kudi ki kira, Namiji”
“Ramadan bascket a jira Namiji”
“Mota, Namiji”
“Data , Namiji”
“Oh Babyyyy…. ah ahhhnnn.., Namiji”
Verse 8 – Lsvee
“Waya ke kashe wa mace kudin makaranta, Namiji”
“wa ake ce wa bawan mata, Namiji”
“waye in ya kai mace outing zai sai mata champagne ya sha pure water, Namiji”
“mace na inuwa shi yana rana, Namiji”
“saboda ita yake fita nema, Namiji”
“Amma randa bashi shi kuma saita rufe ido ta jefa shi rana”
Verse 9 – Morell
“A kace banza ne in bai da kudi”
“shiyasa yake kan hustling”
“Kuma ba mai tausaya ma na miji”
“You just gotta be a man”
“dddddole ya nemo ya kawo”
“ya basu cikin ya ci bawo”
“in ta baci kuma shiya jawo”
“Duniya ai ba karamin namiji”
Verse 10 – Maidawa
“Ko auren ki za’a tambaya gun waye ake zuwa ne kam, Namiji”
“Ko kwaliya kikeyi dan a gani a yaba to dan waye, Namiji”
“Kin zama wife dan waye, Namiji”
“murmushin ki dan waye, Namiji”
“Kina ado dan waye, Namiji”
“Gidanku waye babba?, Namiji”
Verse 11 – Kheengz
“Namiji Ya shigo am the king and you know who the head of the family, Namiji”
“Biyan bukata ya zama dole is why am out all day and come back so late”
“Soyayya fa a side, steady on the grind”
“Hustle ninety five, so they can survive”
“Kudin tozali, kudin chefane”
“Am that saurayi, yep that’s me (Namiji)”
Verse 12 – Babayanks
“Wa ke tada ikama (Namiji)”
“Wa ke aure ya kara (Namiji)”
“Wa ke kyau koda ba make up kuma dan shi akeyin make up”
“Dan wa akayi mace (Namiji)”
“Waye sarkin agege (Namiji)”
“Wa ke bada sadaki ranan biki ayi anko a chashe (Namiji)”
Verse 13 – Ahmerdy
“Dan wa kike saka kallabi, , Namiji”
“Wa yake kaiki anguwa,, Namiji”
“Har ya zamo miki garkuwa, Namiji”
“Kuma ki kirashi driver, Namiji”
“Wa yake kaiki kisha ice cream kici pizza take away da shawarma”
“Kuma ki kirashi banza,, Namiji”
“kai sorry GO”
Verse 14 – Magnito
“Wa zai baki kisha, ya baki kici, sai ya baki kudin mota , Namiji”
“Wa zai shiga cikin jeji ya dawo da nama ya miki farauta , Namiji”
“Wai wanene ke binki ko ina da kike zuwa kafin ki shiga ya bude miki kofa, Namiji”
“Wai wanene ke baki motivation ki gaya ma kawayenki habibu am going global, Namiji”
Verse 15 – Feezy
“You think he’s being stingy”
“You wanting more from your (Namiji)”
“Ki fita kije waje kiga kadan daga cikin aikin Namiji”
“Za’a kwashe bola”
“Kawo kasuwa kasuwa”
“Kwalabe a taro”
“Abinci yakeso ya kawo”
Verse 16 – Classiq
“(Arewa mafia) Cat walk nagani sharp sharp she fell in love swagun tagani , Namiji”
“Kasan lamarin sarki rawani zamani manyan harka tsanani, Namiji”
“Asalin aiki sai jan namiji, Namiji”
“Kirki tsaro sirri namiji, Namiji”
“jimre wa marar karewa i’m a friend to the end never bend namiji , Namiji”
Verse 17 – Cdeeq
“Wa Allah yacewa ya auri biyu, uku, hudu, Namiji”
“Li tasqoonoo ilaiha, Namiji”
Daga wa aka halicceki, Namiji
Wa Allah yace kibi, Namiji
“Wai dadin ki na ina, Namiji”
“Cinki (Namiji)”
“Shanki (Namiji)”
“Lafiya (Namiji)”
“Sutura (Namiji)”
Verse 18 – Dj Ab
“Wanene zai zauna koman girman kulan nan ya dage sai yaga bayanta, Namiji”
“In zaki bashi shinkafa da nama ki tabbata a gefe dakwai miyan ta, Namiji”
“Namiji bai taba cika (Namiji)”
“Macece zata maida shi (Namiji)”
“So in anyi aure a daure a zauna dan babu wani gida daya kai (Namiji)”
Verse 19 – Lutty Fresh
“Ba’a haifuwan da nagari kuma kinsan saida miji nagari, Namiji”
“To wanene zai baki cikin kuma kullun ya baki abincin ci, Namiji”
“Ya dinga baki kudi kuma gida da mota ya saki ciki, Namiji”
“Hawayenki baison gani”
“Murmushin ki keson gani, Namiji”
Verse 20 – Nomiss Gee
“(Namiji kenan) Bada hatsi tauna tsakuwa zakara”
“(Namiji kenan ) Turmi sha daka, mata ke girka tukwane”
“(Namiji kenan) Competent, Dependable, Reliable”
“(Namiji kenan) Nomiss Gee jan namiji, Kai kauche”
Verse 21 – Ice Prince
“Tasan ni ba rikici, ina shiga ciki, tana bude jiki Namiji”
“Enemies run kitiki, daga jos ekiti ansan da kidan Namiji”
“Ba laifi mun shigo, gaya musu munzo da balaspa gee”
“Dan gaye, dan gari”
“Icee Princee mai tara maza Namiji”
Deezell – Namiji Ft All stars Video Review
Namiji song happens to acquire heavy load trends from multiple sources but most certainly involves mp3 streaming platforms like Audiomack & Apple Music and together with YouTube which accounts for almost 2million streams.
Deezell slides through in with his matured lyrics right after the song intro as you can all see below in the evident Namiji song Mp4 file provided for you to enjoy.

But let’s not just skip the best part that the quality, and excellent performance of all the stars involved in this mighty project but most especially the Northern King Of Collaboration, Deezell. There absolute professional performance enhance the project’s projection.
Ice Prince took on the last verse of the song by closing with a special spit of a maestro level and absolute pro display in an amazing manner. This has just been marked by professionals which i assure to anticipate some award honors from double opportunities.
Check Out Deezell – Namiji Ft Ice Prince, Hamisu Breaker, Dj Ab and More below:
Check Out Other Social Medial Impact of Deezell – Namiji Ft. All Stars
This special project had many commendable qualities such as those concerning the instrumental quality and the production accuracy. His projects has never been so doubtful as he marks a great quality trademark.
But check this video out from TikTok for you to have a better angle of my speech, and gentle justify your own instincts fairly.
This video was one made on the anticipation peak of Deezell’s Namiji song, it explains the way fans were so curios on seeing the release of the gigantic project, check this video out I believe it most entertain you.
In conclusion, Namiji soundtrack is all about mans value in a woman’s life and somehow said lyrically in a creative manner by a highly creative minds behind the MIC on the northside. It all came in naturally and nothing musically in the song will make you feel too bored but rather too happy with the brilliant congestion of the song.
Deezell’s made it musically clear that every vision is a clear one with a clear and creative mind like himself and more close to him.
Artiste Name: Deezell
Song Name: Namiji Ft. All Stars
Duration: 3:18Mins
Released Date: 23 – 06 – 2023
Record Label: AREWA CARTEL
Production: —
Format: MP4 High Quality
Article: Namiji English Lyrics Meaning And Review
Namiji Mp3 Stream And Download
Check Out, Listen, stream and Download the Namiji Song by Deezell Ft All Stars
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