Auta Waziri Kishi Ne English Lyrics Meaning And Song Review
Auta Waziri Kishi Ne English Lyrics Meaning And Song Review
Artiste Name: AUTA WAZIRI
Song Title: Baby Kishi Ne
Released Date: April 28, 2023
Format: MP3/Audio High-Quality KBPS
Kishi Ne song is an amazing track that is written brilliantly by the dazzling Northern maestro singer, famously known widely with the name Auta Waziri. The amazing sound track has been officially released on the date of April 28, 2023.
The song is known to be officially among those amusing trendy and mighty track list of the great and astonishing compiled project of the star, called Kewa Album. The album that contain a number of 11 tracks and this track is one of the best songs of the amazing album.

[Mini Bio]
Meanwhile, Auta Waziri is one of the greatly Known Northern Nigerian Hausa Pop artist, Kaduna to be precise, with the real name Abdullahi Abubakar, who was noted to be born on January 18, 1992, in Kaduna State of Nigeria.
Auta Waziri is an amazing singer, famously known and celebrated highly due to his strong sensational musical offer, both in lyrical and vocal manner which exclusively made it large for his existing fanbase in general.

However, the song titled Kishi Ne has been fully verified by the mp3ghetto media, which turns out to be a Hausa phrase that literally translates to “It Is Jealousy” but in musical manner means a lot more than just the word meaning implies, the song explains in clarifying manner how jealousy strongly exist in an unbearably sensational nature.
The song is noted to be out of any trace of collaboration and exceptionally relates to the reality view of that particular situation and perfectly special.
Auta Waziri Kishi Ne Official Audio 2023
Check Out Auta Waziri – Kishi Ne Official Audio(2023) Below:
Auta Waziri Kishi Ne Complete Song Lyrics
Auta waziri kuke ji mallan
Abun da ba kya so
Nima bana so
Amma kinsan kauna
A rai ita ina so
Dole an yo kishi
Kamar akwai bashi
Na so da kin karba
Na zo biya gashi
Kina ta nunan so
Abun da rai ke so
Amma akwai zance da walla bana so
Abun akwai zafi
A sonki nayi zurfi
Da bani banbance jini da tsoka na
Na so ki yarje mun
Ki daina sauya mun
Abun da bana so
Ki bar shi shikenan
Kulan da zan baki
Wa zaya ma baki
Idan kina so na ki kare hakki na
Abun akwai ciwo
A rai yana yawo
Ya sa nisan kiwo
Da ba’a dawowa
Kishin ki ne ya saka duba
Bayin hakan ba da ai’bu ba
Bazan hada ki misali ba
Nidai a so ban saba ba
Amma idan kin tursasa mini
Baza ki na jure ba
Sai dai watan wata rana
Wasu zasu saurare na
Kar kizo ki daina ganina
Sannan dai ki aibanta ni
Nasan dai kina so na
Kuma kema ina sonki
Amma wata soyayyar kamar kankara take ba kallo
Ni na gane labarin kuma nasan da alkhairin saidai nai gudun sharrin naso ba a yau na fada ba
Indai son bukata ne
Rabbuwa ko hujja ne
Gaskiya dalili ne dake sanya so yake dada karko
Naso ki ban hada ki da kowa ba
Bazan raba ki da kowa ba
Banso ma akan ki butulce ba
Dan nasaran mu kike duba
Amma akwai kauna wacce ba ta kowa ba
Kishi nee
Kiishi ne e e e
Nasani nema
Akan kishi neee
Kawai ke sawa
Masoyi ta ke
Jini nai sai yaita hawa
Nace kishi ne
Kawai ke sawa
Masoyi bincike da ance mai kinyi hawa
Wutar kishi ne tasa ai zaune azo jajantama koshi da kishi na ruwa
Kamar akwai cuta
Da basu yarda
Kadan alkinta
Aba wani shi kyauta
Kishi neee
Nasani nima
So kauna
Kishi nee
Kishi neeeeee
A dan so kauna
Auta Waziri Kishi Ne Mp3 Stream Download
Listen to Auta Waziziri – Kishi Ne Mp3 Stream Below:
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